New Titles Added to Our Library of Games

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At our Infinite Life events, we have a zone called “Open World”. The name of the zone is derived from the sandbox experience some games have in which the player can go and do whatever they like. In our Open World zone, you rent out a game with your driver’s license and play it with your friends. At our next event we have made some additions to our Open World zone.

More TV’s, more fun!

The first thing we have done is we increased the size of our Open World zone from four TV’s to six! In addition to our four 4k 50in TV’s, we have added two 43in 4k TV’s! The two 43in TV’s will have our PS5 and Xbox Series S consoles hooked up. This will make for a better single player experience area in Open World! We look to continue to add more TV’s and consoles as we grow.

More Nintendo Switch

Our experience so far with our gaming events is that folks love Nintendo. That’s good news, so do we! Nintendo makes some of the best couch co-op games on the market. So we purchased another Nintendo Switch console, increasing our total Switch consoles to six! So we will have four Switch consoles in the Arena (tournament area) and two in Open World. When the Arena zone event is over, those four Switch consoles are open to all attendees!

Upon finishing the intro to Kirby, Co-op mode is unlocked where one player plays as Kirby and the other as Bandana Dee!

New Games!

We have also added “Kirby the Forgotten Land” and “Nintendo Switch Sports” to our video game library. Kirby features a two-player co-op mode! Switch sports is also a two-player game where players can square off in soccer, bowling, volleyball, tennis, and more! We advise using the wrist-straps 😉

Come check out these new games and our Open World zone at our next event. Hope to see you there!

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Sam Eldridge
Sam Eldridge

Infinite Life Lead

Articles: 11