Matters of Morality

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One of my favorite games is Telltale’s The Walking Dead. I love how the choices you make will affect the characters and how devastating some of the outcomes can be. It’s not just this game, but I love games where you have to shape the story with your decisions. The company Supermassive Games has succeeded in this for me. I love replaying these games and picking different choices and discovering all of the different outcomes. I think that’s the reason these games can be so popular, because people love to explore a side of them they wouldn’t do in real life. That raises the question, how does playing a game like this affect the Morality of a Christian.
While playing games like these, or a game like Fallout, you can choose to do good decisions or evil decisions. You can choose to try to be a good person and do decisions that help the world, or you can be completely evil and just ruin everything in the world. As a Christian, if you play a modern game or a AAA game, you will most likely have to do something like killing a character or do something that is considered a sin. The lines are blurred to me that if doing these things in games count against what we must not do as Christians. Is it right to do commit sins in a game and still feel comfortable with our Morality? I tend to play a
good natured character but in something like Ultimate Werewolf, I love to try to deceive others and cause chaos.
I do find it interesting that every Christian gamer I know will play games like this and we just don’t question if it affects our Christian ideals. Does it affect our walk as a Christian and should we stop playing games like this? Unfortunately, media that we consume will always affect our Christian walk, but should we cut out all games that have the smallest of sinful material? On paper, it says we should, but in practice I struggle with this. As a Christian gamer, I feel like this is something that I need to better myself on.

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Austin Wyatt
Austin Wyatt
Articles: 4